Category: Theory


Lost your Casio or want to double check your calculations? Check out our electronic engineering equation calculators.

Published: 27/06/21

A little about ESD

A brief explanation of what ESD is and how it can be detrimental to electronic components

Published: 21/07/20

Using LEDs in a Circuit

A brief explanation of how LEDs work and how to implement then safely in a small DC circuit. Helping you use them correctly in your microprocessor projects.

Published: 07/07/20

Ohms Law

To complete a lot of our projects, you need a basic understanding of electronics. No better place to start than Ohms law, it will guide your through your entire electronics journey.

Published: 01/07/20

Voltage and Current

A concise explanation of Voltage and Current, it a simple and understandable manner.

Published: 26/05/20

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