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Hand Trainer for Muscle Spasticity

A hand trainer system designed to improve movement in the users hand by completing different sequences of button presses.

Published: 24/06/21

Display Text on LCD using Arduino

Using a 2x16 LCD screen to display static text or text that appears after a given time period.

Published: 30/08/20

Temperature and Humidity Sensor – Arduino

Using the Arduino's DHT22 Sensor and a 2x16 I2C LCD screen to display the current Temperature and Humidity.

Published: 27/08/20

How to Control LED Brightness using Arduino

Learn how to control the brightness of an LED using a potentiometer, and the analogRead & analogWrite functions on Arduino.

Published: 25/08/20

Wireless Parking Sensor using Arduino

An arduino based parking sensor system using ultrasonic sensors and radio comms to transmitt data from one arduino to the other.

Published: 22/07/20

Traffic Light LEDs using Arduino

Learn to simulate traffic lights sequences with Arduino using coloured LEDs and specific delays.

Published: 07/07/20

Capacitive Touch Controlled LED using Arduino

Learn how to use the touch of your finger on a conductive material to turn an LED on or off using an Arduino.

Published: 03/07/20

Button Activated LED using Arduino

In this project you learn how to use a button to change the state off an LED, turning the LED on by pressing a button.

Published: 23/05/20

Blinking LED using Arduino

This new project will show you how you can make your very own blinking LED circuit using an Arduino. Great introduction for beginners.

Published: 06/05/20